Time to Re-Evaluate the Legacy of Martin Luther King

Time to Re-Evaluate the Legacy of Martin Luther King Originally published at American Thinker After finding evidence that the “man of God” and “moral conscience of our nation,” the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., participated in the rape of a parishioner, engaged in numerous sex orgies, received cash payments from known communists, and admitted […]

Biden’s SC Nomination Reveals Democrat Contempt for Black Americans

Originally published at American Thinker If anyone doubted the contempt White Democrats, Black Democrats, and the mainstream media hold for Black Americans, I would refer you to President Bidens’ announcement regarding his Supreme Court nominee and their giddy reaction. Every president before Biden had proudly professed that each of their nominees for the Court was […]

Democrats’ Hypocrisy on Voting Rights Advances the Cause of Political Slavery

Originally published at American Greatness If you choose to be unquestionably devoted to any political party you have chosen to be a slave. The great Thomas Sowell opined, “The fact that so many successful politicians are such shameless liars is not only a reflection on them, it is also a reflection on us.  When the […]

Is The Democrat Party Leadership Still An Evil Institution?

Originally published at Clash Daily “They commit the oldest sins in the newest kind of ways.” William Shakespeare, Henry IV With their constant attack on religious liberties and the unanimous passing of the Equality Act by Democrats in Congress, Democrats have finally admitted publicly what their actions have confessed for the past 200 years: True […]

Vince Everett Ellison: Democrats in 2021 And Their Conspiracy to Seize Power

Originally published at Reactionary Times President Eisenhower said, “If a political party does not have its foundation in the determination to advance a cause that is right and that is moral, then it is not a political party: it is merely a conspiracy to seize power.” To all that called the warnings from conservatives describing […]

Jussie Smollett and the Power of Black Male Victimization

Originally published at American Greatness Jussie Smollett is a microcosm of the cowardly, narcissistic, prideful, and nihilistic behavior that has permeated throughout much of the Democrat-controlled black community. I feel a bit sorry for Jussie Smollett. His generation believes that for a black man, the highest form of human existence (self-awareness) can only come through […]

In the News: Democrat Malpractice, Contempt and Race-Baiting

In the past month, I had the rare opportunity to speak to the people by way of our great American news media.  The four articles I’ve written have been timely.  In each, I explain my point of view, hoping to provide clarity during these times of confusion and chaos. Each article is linked below (click […]


How would you feel about a man that was applying for a job as a female dorm keeper asking for the endorsement of Jeffery Epstein?  How would you feel about a mob boss garnering the endorsement of one of his henchmen? How would you feel about a slave master garnering the endorsement of his house […]

Teaching Black People to Hate: Liberals’ and Democrats’ Damnable Legacy

On January 1, 2020, the Washington Post reported that in 2019 the murder rate had risen in cities controlled by Democrats with large Black populations like Cleveland, Detroit, Memphis, Baltimore, New York, Prince Georges County, MD, and Washington DC.   Why?  Hatred!  Hatred taught to them by Democrats and the Iron Triangle.  Most Black Democrats will […]

The Semi-Annual Scare The Blacks Campaign

You and I are going to fight!  We are standing there.  Looking at each other in the eye, I say to you, “hey, your shoes are untied!”  You, having honor and not being as proficient in the art of “street fighting” as I, make the mistake of looking down. When you look down at your […]